Who’s Gonna Mow Your Rhode Island Yard?
Let’s face it – owning real estate property can be tough. Of course, in many cases, it’s an excellent investment. That’s especially true if you’re living in the home as your primary residence, building up equity over time.

On the other hand, what if nobody lives there? What if you bought a property and wanted to rent it out, but couldn’t find a tenant or the tenant is so bad that you threw them out? What if someone has picked up and left, and you have an empty house or apartment on your hands?
Real estate assets can quickly become liabilities. For instance, just that basic question of who’s going to go and mow the yard and trim the bushes week after week has been known to generate some pretty intense marital spats or intergenerational squabbles – especially as the heat of a Rhode Island summer comes on. And that’s only the beginning – you have to arrange the right insurance, keep up interior systems and keep an eye on that last coat of paint…
Experienced property owners know that property maintenance and weatherization really never stops.
Like old grandpa used to sing – (to the tune of the old George Jones classic ‘Who’s Gonna Fill Their Shoes?’)
“Who’s gonna mow that yard,
And rake the leaves all fall,
Who’s gonna fix the HVAC,
And the light out in the hall…”
You get the picture. There are too many small tasks to count involved in maintaining an empty property, and not enough hours. For example, you might have to leave the utilities on, but then what if you have some kind of plumbing emergency? What if a pipe breaks or a fitting gives in and you have extreme water damage because no one was there to notice?
Skip the Stress
If you want to know the quickest and easiest way to get help with a Rhode Island Houses, we’ve got it right here. I Buy Rhode Island Houses offers live chat right on the website, and fair market cash price offers so that you can wash your hands of the whole thing, and walk away clean.
Just jot down a few details and tell us what you’re dealing with. We’ll get you a fast cash offer that can get you out of your nightmare property situation quickly. That’s what we do! We know that all too often it’s fun to manage properties for profit – until it isn’t, or until the tables turn, and the profit goes flying away. No worries … talk to us about how to handle a problem property.